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Application Process

Application information can be found on the official website at To access the application page, click on “Apply” at the top of the NOBTS front page. The apply page provides links to all of the current NOBTS applications. Please select the correct application link for the level of study in which you wish to apply. Please be aware that there are several supporting documents to be completed with the application. The online application along with all supporting documents must be submitted to the Admission's Office before an application can be reviewed for admittance. The application fee is required before applications can be considered.

Applications require the following supplemental items:

  1. Church Statement

  2. Proof of Immunizations 

  3. Targeted Tuberculosis Form

  4. Official Transcripts from any undergraduate level coursework (e.g. a Bachelor’s degree, Associate degree, or other undergraduate credits).

  5. Conversion and Call

  6. Background Check

  7. Pastor Reference

  8. Additional Character Reference

During the admissions process, applicants are expected to keep track of the delivery of all supporting documents. As documents are received by the Admission's Office. The student will be notified through the application dashboard in their profile on

When the necessary information has been received, action will be taken on applications by the Admissions Council. This Council is composed of the Provost, the Associate Vice President of Enrollment, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Dean of Leavell College, the Vice President of Spiritual Formation and Student Life, and the Director of Leeke Magee Christian Counseling Center. Division chairpersons and others are called upon to assist as needed.

The Admission's office will notify applicants of decisions. Applicants will not be admitted until they have received formal notice of approval from the the Associate Vice President of Enrollment. If an applicant has been denied admission, he or she must wait a minimum of twelve months before he or she can reapply. A full application must be submitted to the Admission's office after the one year has passed.


A non-degree-seeking student is any student who is taking classes for credit or auditing a course(s) but has not been admitted into a degree program. To be eligible to take master’s level courses as a non-degree-seeking student, the student must apply and be formally admitted as a nondegree-seeking student. Nondegree-seeking students are not eligible to receive Federal Student Aid or any institutional scholarships. To apply as a non-degree seeking student visit When selecting a degree program, the applicant must choose a non-degree seeking option at the appropriate level of study (undergraduate, master’s, doctoral).


To be eligible for admission an applicant must have been a Christian for at least one year, must meet the educational prerequisites for the degree program he or she plans to pursue, and must be at least 20 years of age. All students must have the endorsement of a local church. All qualified applicants are admitted without reference to race, gender, or national origin.


An application and all supplemental items should be submitted to the Admission's Office as early as possible.  For international students, the admissions application and supplemental items should be submitted to the Admission's Office at least 60 days prior to the anticipated date of enrollment. If an applicant has experienced divorce, the admissions department may require additional forms to be completed.  

Application materials submitted to the Admission's Office are valid for one year from the date submitted. 

Students who do not enroll within a year after being granted admission to the seminary must submit a new application. Students who have been inactive for a full academic year must submit a new application and must re-enter under the latest Catalog. 

Campus Transfer

Students who change their campus location from a previously approved campus location must notify the Registrar’s Office by filling out the “Change College Location” request form in the “Student Request Forms” section of Certain campuses may require additional student information before students can attend class.

Degree Transfer

Students who completely change their degree from a previously approved degree must notify the Registrar’s Office by filling out the “Change of Degree” request form in the “Student Request Forms” section of Once this request is submitted the student will be contacted by the Registrar’s Office to discuss the change of degree.
Certain degree changes may require additional student information. The degree change will not be considered official until the Registrar’s Office changes the degree information on the student’s transcript which will be confirmed through the student’s SelfServe account.


In compliance with Public Health regulations in the State of Louisiana for all students in institutions of higher learning, the following immunizations are required for students attending in the State of Louisiana:

  1. Tetanus/Diphtheria - every ten years.

  2. Mumps/Rubella - once in lifetime.

  3. Measles - students born on or after 1/1/57 must have two inoculations since 1968.

The seminary recommends an influenza vaccine in the fall of each year for students with certain health concerns as follows: congenital or acquired heart disease, chronic pulmonary disorders, chronic renal disease or nephrotic syndrome, sickle cell anemia or other chronic anemias, Diabetes Mellitus, any transplant patient or HIV-positive patient, or any student over age 65.

TB testing is required of all New Orleans main campus new students prior to moving on campus or attending coursework. The seminary also recommends a TB-PPD test for any new tuberculosis (TB) exposure. All prior exposures with a positive PPD should be followed by chest X-rays at regular intervals.

Proof of immunizations in writing on official agency letterhead and signed by a healthcare professional must be provided as a part of the admissions process. Due to Louisiana R.S. 17:170/Schools of Higher Learning, all first time students of the institution will need to complete the Proof of Immunization Compliance. As per Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:170 Sec E, an applicant can also pursue exemption by completing a Statement of Exemption from Immunizations. The student will not be admitted into the seminary without proof of Immunizations or an Exemption on file.

Health Insurance

The seminary encourages all students to carry some type of health insurance coverage for themselves and their family members. The seminary does not furnish health insurance for students or their families, and is not responsible for providing health care or financial support for health care expenses. Consult the student handbook for further information regarding health care options.

Divorce and Estrangement

Applicants who are married but living in estrangement from their spouses will be considered on an individual basis. Every effort will be made to be sympathetic with applicants while upholding high Christian principles in keeping with the process outlined below.

Applicants who have been divorced may be admitted to the seminary if they meet the following conditions:

  • that the marriage relationship has been terminated by divorce judgment.

  • that at least one year has passed since the divorce judgment.

  • that the applicants present evidence that they have dealt appropriately with the emotional pain and financial consequences of the divorce;

  • that the applicants’ usefulness in Christian service be highly recommended by a local church and personal references;

  • that both the applicant and spouse (if remarried) are committed to the sanctity of marriage.

Divorced or separated applicants are required to complete a Divorce/Separation Information Form and be interviewed by the Director of Leeke Magee Christian Counseling Center. In some cases, the Director of Leeke Magee Christian Counseling Center may require the applicant to complete standard psychological tests. The Seminary Admissions Council reserves the right to base its decision about admission on the facts found in each case in accordance with the seminary’s policies on divorce.

Current students who experience a separation or divorce will be required to drop out of the seminary for at least a year in order to allow adequate time for the individual to recover emotionally, spiritually, and financially from the pain and scars left by separation and divorce. In such cases, the student and/or non-student spouse will not be allowed to remain in seminary student housing. The specific timetable for the academic withdrawal and vacating housing will be determined by the Vice President of Spiritual Formation and Student Life in light of the circumstances.

Opportunities for service in local churches may be more limited for seminary graduates with a divorce than for other graduates. Divorced applicants should explore a realistic assessment of the range of opportunities of service open to them before pursuing seminary training.

Prospective International Students and the Admissions Process

All prospective international students seeking to study at NOBTS and Leavell College while on an F-1 visa will need to make application through the Admissions Office, the Professional Doctoral Office, or the Research Doctoral Office depending on his or her desired program of study. International applicants must fulfill all the admissions requirements for their desired program of study as outlined in the individual program sections of this catalog. This page serves as notice of the additional admissions requirements for students seeking an F-1 visa.

Applicants seeking to apply at the undergraduate or master’s level should reach out to for more information about applying.

Applicants seeking to apply for the Doctor of Ministry degree or the Doctor of Educational Ministry degree should reach out to

Applicants seeking to apply for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, Doctor of Education degree, Master of Theology degree, or Doctor of Musical Arts degree will need to reach out to

General Guidelines for Admission
International students are highly encouraged to submit and complete their application for admission at least 60 days prior to the general application deadline in order to ensure time to secure visas, arrange travel, and get acclimated to the New Orleans area.

The following items are required, in addition to the standard application items, for all students applying to NOBTS and Leavell College at all program levels:

  • A WES evaluated transcript may be required for all post-secondary institutions attended and high school if applicable.

  • Official TOEFL scores.

  • A recent copy of the student’s passport and of any dependents seeking F-2 visas

  • Proof of Financial Support

WES Transcript Evaluations
To ensure accurate assessment of international transcripts, a World Education Services (WES) evaluation, or other approved third-party service may be required of students who have studied outside of the United States. Official transcripts from non-US post-secondary educational institutions may need to be translated (as applicable) and sent directly to WES by the issuing institution. If a student has received a degree at the undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level from an accredited institution within the United States, then they may not be required to submit a WES evaluation on degrees awarded outside the United States. Information is available at

Students can apply for an evaluation on the WES website, and should apply for the Course-by-Course evaluation if they have completed any credit at their program level for which they are applying in order to request a transcript evaluation by the Registrar’s Office.

Korean applicants who are applying to study in the Korean Theological Institute who have earned the requisite degree from an institution acknowledged by the Korean Ministry of Education may work with the Director of the Korean Theological Institute for verification of the accreditation of the requisite degree. Upon successful verification of the applicant’s degree, the Director of the KTI program will provide the Admissions Office and the PDSO with a written verification of the degree in the student’s file. This written verification must be accompanied by official copies of the student’s transcript. If the Director of the KTI program or another school official is not able to verify the student’s degree, the student must submit a WES evaluation as a part of the application.

Official TOEFL Scores









The above chart reflects the required TOEFL scores based on the program level of entry. Other English proficiency exams may be taken to satisfy this requirement at the discretion of the PDSO. Applicants should work with their admissions representative in coordination with the PDSO to use other exams to satisfy the English proficiency requirement. Exams must be taken at most 2 years prior to making application at NOBTS and Leavell College.

TOEFL scores may be waived if the student has an earned degree taught in the English language with at least a 3.0 GPA. This exception must be made by a DSO.

TOEFL scores are not required for Korean students who are studying as a part of our Korean Theological Institute since these courses are taught in the applicant’s native language.

Students who do not meet the TEOFL requirements set forth here are encouraged to improve their English language skills in order to reapply and meet the admissions criteria for NOBTS and Leavell College.

Recent Passport Copies
Students must submit recent copies of their passports as a part of their admissions file. These should include any dependents seeking F-2 visas as well.

Proof of Financial Support
International students seeking F-1 visas must demonstrate that they are financially capable and supported during their studies. F-1 students are primarily students during their time in the United States and must be able to provide proof that they can afford their education and life expenses while studying at NOBTS and Leavell College. An applicant should speak to a DSO regarding the amount needed to demonstrate financial support for their desired degree. The applicant can provide proof of financial support in two ways:

  1. A bank statement with the student’s name as the account owner: The bank statement should be in English and US dollars. It is the student’s job to provide the appropriate translation and/or currency exchange.

  2. A bank statement from a supporter and a notarized affidavit of support with seal. The affidavit must include the following items:

    1. Student’s name

    2. Supporter’s name

    3. USD amount of support

    4. Notarization and seal

    5. The bank statement should be in English and US dollars. It is the student or supporter’s job to provide the appropriate translation and/or currency exchange.

English Competency

All new master’s-level students are required to demonstrate a level of competency for reading and writing in the English language that is consistent with graduate-level coursework. Level of competency will be determined by analysis of undergraduate transcripts. Individuals with a combined GPA of less than 2.0 in undergraduate English coursework will be required to enroll in English Composition during the first semester of study at NOBTS. Students required to take English Composition will receive notification in their letter of acceptance.

Orientation and Registration

All students enrolling in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary for the first time will be expected to complete online orientation through their application dashboard. Students who have selected either the main campus or an extension center as their preferred campus will also be required to attend orientation at their respective campuses (online students are not required to attend a campus orientation). Once a student’s application is approved, the student must complete their orientation requirement at the next available orientation. Students who do not complete the orientation requirement as specified will be charged a late orientation fee and required to participate in the next available orientation. (See Student Fees page of this catalog.)

Online orientation will educate students regarding the general academic policies of the seminary. During campus orientation, students will receive additional information particular to their campus, as well as opportunities to interact with professors and other students. Former students who are required to reapply to the seminary will be expected to complete their orientation according to the specific instructions received from the Dean of Students Office.

New students will register at their campus orientation, but new online students will be eligible to register as soon as they are approved. When enrolling at a term other than fall or spring, new students should check with the Registrar’s Office for official instructions. Students should check and The Gatekeeper for announcements related to registration and tuition. Registration for fall and spring semesters concludes at 4:00 PM (New Orleans time) on the Friday before the first day of the semester, and a late registration fee will be assessed for students failing to meet the deadline.

No admissions will be granted after 4:00 PM (New Orleans time) on Friday of the second week of class meetings each regular semester.

Credit Evaluation

Academic credits may be transferred from other institutions toward a baccalaureate or master’s degree in some cases, if they meet the following stipulations:

  • A minimum of 1/3 of the credit hours in a degree must be taken at NOBTS. These credit hours can be taken either at the main campus, at any of the current extension centers, or through online courses.

  • All courses transferred must be substantially parallel to the offerings of NOBTS and fulfill the requirements of the relevant degree plan.

    Courses which do not fulfill the requirements of the degree being sought cannot be transferred.

  • Credit hours from seminaries which are members of ATS (the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada) must carry a grade of at least a “C” to be transferred.

  • Credit hours from academic institutions accredited by an agency recognized by CHEA must carry a grade of at least a “B” to be transferred.

  • Credit hours to be transferred from academic institutions not accredited by an agency recognized by CHEA must carry a grade of at least a “B” and preferably be earned in on-site classes rather than through correspondence; up to 18 hours can be transferred.

  • The decision of the Registrar and Provost is final with regard to the evaluation of all graduate transfer credits.

A credit evaluation may be requested by filling out the “Request a Transcript Evaluation” request form in the “Student Request Forms” section of Credit evaluation can take up to 30 days to complete; this is from the point of receiving all documents that are needed from the student and the previous institution.

Degree to Degree Transfer Credits

NOBTS values continuing education of Christian ministers. Therefore, we want to facilitate ministers earning second degrees to the extent allowed by accreditation principles. Transfer of MA credit hours into the larger MDiv are covered in an existing policy. This policy addresses transferring credit hours from a degree with more credit hours to a degree with fewer credit hours.

Students with a degree from Other institutions - Accreditation rules dictate that in transferring credit hours from a different institution, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • At least one-third of the shorter degree must be earned at NOBTS. In addition, only those credit hours which fit into the NOBTS degree as required or elective courses may be transferred. Courses differ some in content between institutions. Submitting a catalog description of the courses, or preferably syllabi listing learning outcomes for the course, is helpful in evaluating these transcripts.

Students with a degree from NOBTS - Since NOBTS students with longer degrees have taken the same courses with the same learning outcomes that pertain to shorter degrees, the following guidelines pertain:

  • Some MA type degree programs at NOBTS have special admission requirements not required for admission to the MDiv. The student who seeks the second degree must meet all of the entrance requirements for the MA type degree.

  • All courses required in both degrees transfer from the longer degree into the shorter degree, being understood as dual or sequential degree programs.

  • Even if all of the required courses transfer from the longer degree to the shorter type degree, the student must earn at least one-third of the hours required for the second degree in the relevant or cognate disciplines to receive the second degree.

Full-time Course Load

A full-time graduate student load is a minimum of nine (9) credit hours per semester. Students must have full-time status to be eligible for financial aid and student housing. When withdrawal from a class places the student’s course load at less than nine credit hours, the student can lose eligibility for financial aid and student housing.

Maximum Course Load

Maximum course load is 18 credit hours per semester (which includes all courses taken within the semester). Students desiring to take additional courses must have the approval of the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.