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Church Music Ministries


Jessica P. McMillan, BA, MMCM, DMA
Assistant Professor of Music and Worship, occupying the Lallage-Feazel Chair of Hymnology;
Director, DMA Program

Gregory A. Woodward, AA, BME, MME, PhD
Professor of Conducting and Worship, occupying the Lallage-Feazel Chair of Church Music;
Director of Choral Programs; Church Music Ministries Department Coordinator

For Additional Information

For further information on the Church Music Ministries program, please go to the NOBTS website link: Church Music Ministries.


The mission of the Church Music Ministries is to develop excellence in Kingdom-minded music and worship leaders. The resources of the programs are committed to assist persons who have responded to a divine call to minister and are attempting to fulfill educational and professional goals preparatory to ministry in the local church, teaching, or denominational service.

Goals of the Church Music Ministries are:

  1. To prepare servants with competent musical skills to serve in Christian ministry;

  2. To offer a well-defined and relevant program of education in church music and worship ministries;

  3. To develop a genuine involvement in and an understanding of the total ministry of the local church; and

  4. To present ongoing music and worship presentations representing a range of styles for the community both in person and online.

General objectives of the Church Music Ministries are:

  1. To prepare competent Christian workers for ministry through music;

  2. To offer a well-defined program of education in church music and worship ministries; and

  3. To develop a genuine involvement in and an understanding of the total ministry of the local church.

Historical Background

In September 1919, the department of music at Baptist Bible Institute was begun by E. O. Sellers.

In 1953 the department became the School of Sacred Music. The title was changed to the School of Church Music in 1960 and to the Division of Church Music Ministries in 1972. Since its inception this division of the seminary has been dedicated to providing instruction in a broad field of musical study, which enables the student to render more effective Christian service. In 2020, the Church Music Ministries joined the division of Church Ministry and continues to offer a range of National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) degrees and worship degrees.

Musical Activities

These groups are open to the seminary community. Previous choral or instrumental experience is recommended. An audition may be required for some of the following groups.

The Seminary Chorus. This choir of men and women combines with community singers to perform major choral works, sections of major choral works, or exemplary sacred choral anthems. Orchestral accompaniment is a regular part of these concerts.

NOBTS Singers. This choir of men and women represents the Seminary at significant seminary events, through church presentations, and at regional events depending on requests and needs in a given year. The group also reflects the vibrant Southern Baptist traditions of worship choirs and anthem presentations, serving as an equipping tool for the continuation of such ministries.

In addition to campus opportunities in the programs of the Church Music Ministries, the city of New Orleans affords students a rare musical laboratory. Experience can be gained both as a listener and as a performer. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra sponsors an orchestral series, and The New Orleans Opera Guild sponsors an opera series. Student discount tickets are available.

Music students are encouraged to accept worship positions while in seminary. Most students in this program who desire to serve local churches while attending seminary have found ministry positions during their time in the degree program. It is believed that involvement as music and worship leaders in churches gives students a practical outlet for what they experience in the seminary classroom.

The Church Music Program encourages participation in the following professional societies:

American Choral Directors Association. A student chapter of this national professional organization for choral conductors was organized in 1984. (See Dr. Woodward.)

The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada. The first student chapter affiliated with the Hymn Society in United States and Canada was formed in 1966 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This organization is open to all interested students. (See Dr. Steele.)

Baptist Church Music Conference. This chapter seeks to familiarize the student with the national organization of Southern Baptist church musicians and provides information, fellowship, and exchange of ideas during the student’s seminary tenure. (See Dr. Steele.)

Musical Resources

Sellers Music Building. The E. O. Sellers Music Building was built during 1952-53 and contains one large classroom, one small classroom, nine individual teaching studios, a recital/rehearsal hall, twelve individual practice rooms, a conference room, a Music Education Resource Center, a choral/instrumental music library, a conducting lab, a music/computer laboratory, a keyboard laboratory, and Church Music Ministries offices.

Leavell Chapel Organ. This 83-rank instrument was designed and constructed by the A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company of Lithonia, Georgia, and was completed in May, 2008.

Sellers Recital Hall Organ. This 33-rank instrument was designed and constructed by the A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company of Lithonia, Georgia, and was completed in May, 2007.

Masters Degrees in Church Music

The Master of Music in Church Music (MMCM) and the Master of Divinity in Church Music (MDivCM) are both NASM accredited masters degrees in sacred music. The MMCM is a robust more narrowly focused curriculum design for local church music and worship ministries. The MDivCM is classified by NASM as an interdisciplinary degree and prepares the student both for local church music and worship ministry and for a range of ministerial staff positions. The music and worship portions of the degrees are the same, but the GPA requirements for the MDivCM match all other Master of Divinity degrees as stated in this catalog. All of the music requirements associated with the MMCM apply to the MDivCM students as well.

Placement Examinations

A student admitted to the institution to study for the Master of Music in Church Music (MMCM) or the Master of Divinity with a specialization in Church Music (MDivCM) degree must take a series of examinations at the beginning of the student’s first semester in order to determine the level of undergraduate music proficiency. The results of the examinations will assist the faculty in determining the courses that may be required to remove undergraduate level deficiencies. These examinations are given the week of preceding the first full week of study. Music placement examinations and performance auditions cover the following areas:

  • Music Theory – harmony, ear training, form and analysis, and counterpoint

  • Music History – literature (choral, solo vocal, instrumental), composers, and important facts of all periods. This examination also includes a listening component.

  • Worship Arranging/Orchestration – basic orchestration, transpositions, range of orchestral instruments

Students who have completed a NASM accredited music degree and have completed at least 2 hours with a grade of C or higher in arranging or orchestration will not be required to take the worship arranging placement exam. If a transcript review and/or course description evaluation does not reveal an acceptable substitution for worship arranging, the student may be required to take the proficiency exam.

Detailed information concerning these examinations may be obtained from the Church Music Ministries Office.

All deficiencies must be completed before a student may take comprehensive examinations.

Distance Format for MMCM or MDivCM

The Master of Music in Church Music (MMCM) and the Master of Divinity in Church Music (MDivCM) are available as distance degrees, and are approved by NASM to be offered as such. The Basic Ministerial courses may be taken in a variety of formats (e.g., online or mentoring). The Church Music courses are primarily offered in the NOLA2U Live format. The student pursuing a distance MMCM or MDivCM will not be able to pursue a concentration unless the student takes at least three semesters of study on-campus, and the student must achieve a certain percentage of on-campus hours to complete the MMCM/MDivCM with a recital in a NASM approved area. For further information on pursuing a concentration, please contact Dr. Greg Woodward by email:

Jury Review

A faculty jury review is required of all students enrolled in the following graduate applied courses (voice, organ, piano, or orchestral instruments), except for students who present a graduate recital (or undergraduate proficiency recital) in that semester. Jury examinations are held at the end of each semester. Applied courses offered in the summer may not require jury review.

Church Music Competencies

The 21st century music and worship leader needs to obtain a range of musical competencies. The NOBTS Church Music Ministries program has determined four categories of essential musical competencies for those called to serve Southern Baptist churches: Voice, Piano, Conducting, and Worship Band. Students who have completed a bachelor in music degree from a non-NASM school may demonstrate these competencies through a Proficiency Exam or by taking a graduate level class. For those who are able to pass one or more proficiencies through a proficiency test, other programs of Church Music Ministries graduate courses may be substituted to fulfill the total degree hour requirements. The student may also audition to pursue an area of study recital. See Accelerated MMCM/MDivCM below for opportunities for advanced credit. Students entering the MMCM program without an undergraduate music degree must complete the piano proficiency. The completion of piano proficiency may be substituted for the graduate piano hours in the MMCM/MDivCM. Because the completion of undergrad Class Piano 3 with a C or above is recognized as passing the piano proficiency, the completion of this course with the minimally required grade of C may be substituted for graduate hours in piano.

Accelerated MMCM/MDivCM

The Master of Music in Church Music (MMCM) and the Master of Divinity in Church Music (MDivCM) are available as accelerated degrees. The student may gain up to 12 hours of credit for the MMCM through advanced credit and up to 22 hours of credit for the MDivCM through advanced credit. For students who have completed a NASM accredited bachelor in music, advanced credit is possible in the areas of piano, voice, and/or worship band. At least three hours of undergraduate study are required in piano with a minimum grade of C, and the student must demonstrate that competence on the instrument was achieved (e.g., a piano proficiency was passed). At least three hours of study are required for voice with a minimum grade of C, and the student must complete an undergraduate recital or the equivalent of an upper level jury. Students may be asked to provide further evidence of competence (e.g., a recording of voice selections). For voice or piano, proof of passing proficiency exams/barriers may be included in transcript review. To receive advanced credit for worship band, the student is required to have completed a class primarily related to worship bands with a minimal grade of C. For advanced credit in areas other than Church Music, please contact an Accelerated MDiv staff member at

Audition/Application for Area of Study

The MMCM student must apply to the Coordinator of the Department of Church Music Ministries for admission to candidacy in concentration areas. The student may obtain forms entitled “Application to Concentration Candidacy” from the Church Music Office. The NOBTS Church Music Ministries Department has approval through the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) for the following concentrations: Composition, Conducting, Church Music Education, Orchestral Instruments, Organ, Piano, Voice, and Worship/Hymnology. For detailed information regarding application to concentration candidacy and recital, consult the Music Student Handbook.

Admission to the candidacy in a concentration area is contingent upon the following requirements:

  • Removal of all undergraduate course requirements

Note: Performance area (Voice, Organ, Piano, Orchestral Instrument) auditions must be scheduled during jury reviews at the end of each semester.

Composition. The student must submit works in at least two musical media representing the strength of the student’s compositional style.

Conducting. Students may make application for the conducting area of study during the classes, Advanced Conducting or Private Conducting. Details of the audition requirements may be found in the Music Student Handbook.

Church Music Education. The student must write a brief summary of church music education study and experience. In addition, the student will propose several topics for a culminating project.

Orchestral Instrument. The student should be prepared to perform a fifteen-minute recital consisting of literature from at least two different style periods. The primary instructor may require a portion of the recital to be performed from memory. Memory requirements will be determined on an individual basis by the instructor based upon goals and objectives for the student and his or her level of proficiency.

Organ. The student should be prepared to perform a fifteen-minute recital consisting of literature from at least three different style periods. The primary instructor may require a portion of the recital to be performed from memory. Memory requirements will be determined on an individual basis by the instructor based upon goals and objectives for the student and his or her level of proficiency.

Piano. The student should be prepared to perform, from memory, a fifteen-minute recital consisting of literature from at least three different style periods.

Voice. The student should be prepared to perform, from memory, a total of four songs, one each in French, German, Italian, and English. The songs should reflect the Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and twentieth- century periods. Genres represented should include oratorio, opera, and art song.

Worship/Hymnology. The student must write a brief summary of worship/hymnology study and experience. In addition, the student will propose several topics for a culminating project.

Note: Some areas of study may require completion of application elements before passage of remedial elements based on Placement Exams or missing undergraduate work. In this manner students may be reasonably assured that they are on track to complete elements in a given concentration.

Performance Regulations

Students studying performance must observe the following regulations:

  • Performance lesson fees will not be refunded after the close of registration.

  • Lessons missed shall be made up under the following circumstances:

    a. absence of the teacher; and

    b. illness of the student. (When the teacher is notified in advance of the scheduled lesson time, the student must initiate the scheduling of make up lessons.)

  • All students enrolled in applied music courses are required to attend studio recitals if required to do so by applied music instructors.

  • All students giving a recital must be enrolled in the corresponding applied performance course during the semester in which the recital is to be presented.

  • Students should refer to the Music Student Handbook for General Recital performance requirements.

Comprehensive Examination

  • Students must register for MUSS6001 Comprehensive Examination at the beginning of the semester in which they will take the Examination.

  • All MMCM and MDivCM students must take the written Comprehensive Examination during their last semester of study. The Examination focuses on the MMCM/MDivCM Program Outcomes.

  • In addition to the Comprehensive Examination, the student must address a program outcome with a portfolio performance project. This project requires the student to demonstrate competence by video in two of the three following areas: voice, piano, and/or conducting. This portfolio performance project fulfills the NASM requirement for a summative project.

  • At least two music faculty members will evaluate each question to determine a grade of pass, or fail on each question. The student may fail to pass up to one section of the test and still pass the exam. For the music theory and worship history sections, multiple choice questions will be evaluated in conjunction with essay questions to determine if the student passed these sections.

  • If a student fails the Examination, his or her committee will meet to discuss the nature of the failure and to recommend one of three courses of action:

    a. an oral examination to be taken within two weeks of notification of failure;

    b. a written examination in a later semester; or

    c. additional course work and a written examination in a later semester. The Comprehensive Examination may be retaken only one time.

Graduate Recital

Students who are approved for the following areas of study in addition to their pursuit of a standard MMCM are required to present a Graduate Recital - Composition, Conducting, Orchestral Instrument, Organ, Piano, or Voice. A recital hearing, scheduled at least two weeks prior to the proposed recital date, is required. (Conducting students may request a hearing one-week prior to recital.) Students who present recitals are responsible for all costs incurred. Additional information concerning recitals is available in the Music Student Handbook.

Academic Probation

If at the end of any semester an MMCM student has failed to earn a grade average of “B” in graduate music courses, the student will be placed on probation for one semester. If the student’s average is raised to “B,” the student will be removed from probationary status. If a student’s average falls below “B” for two successive semesters, the student may be either reclassified or suspended.

Guidelines for Distance Classes

Students who wish to take hybrid or online courses must be reasonably experienced with online interaction, including some experience with online searches and various forms of online communication. A person with limited experience in using a computer online would likely struggle in a hybrid or online music course without a significant amount of time being committed to increasing online interaction competency in addition to course requirements. Regarding academic and technical support services for distance learning, the instructor for the course is the provider of academic information for hybrid and online courses. Most academic information is provided through the Canvas mechanism of delivery, which is used for hybrid and online courses. However, the instructor is available to answer questions through e-mail or other forms of communication as provided by the instructor (e.g., discussion board). The instructor also may be contacted for technical issues, but the NOBTS Information Technology Center oversees all Canvas course offerings, and an ITC employee is available for student inquiries related to Canvas technical issues. Furthermore, as a leading Online Management System, Canvas provides a good deal of help through tutorials.

Transfer of Credit

For music courses, a grade of C or above from a NASM school is accepted if the course is determined to be substantially parallel to the offerings of NOBTS and fulfills the requirements of the relevant degree plan. Courses which do not fulfill the requirements of the degree being sought cannot be transferred in relationship to an NOBTS degree. Courses from schools not accredited by NASM will be reviewed by the Associate Dean and Graduate Dean on a case-by-case basis.

Description of Courses

The following list represents courses and seminars offered in the Department of Church Music Ministries. This list does not contain specific information regarding the session and time of offering. Specific information will be made available to the student by the Registrar’s Office prior to registration.

All private lessons meet one-half or one hour per week for one or two hours credit respectively. All performance ensembles meet one to three hours per week and receive one hour of credit per semester. All academic courses meet two or three hours per week for corresponding credit unless otherwise stated.

The following describes credit for lessons and ensembles:

Applied lessons

Half hour private lesson

1 hr./semester

1 hour private lesson

2 hrs./semester


Instrumental Ensemble

1 hr./semester

NOBTS Singers

1 hr./semester

The Seminary Chorus

1 hr./semester

*The courses with an asterisk are undergraduate level and are necessary for preparation for graduate level courses.

Music Theory

*MUTH1301 Music Fundamentals I (3 hours)
This course is a study of the construction and functions of chords, designed to develop skills in analyzing and writing functional harmony. It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Ear-training and sight-singing is included in the course.

*MUTH1302 Music Fundamentals II (3 hours)
This course is a continuation of studies begun in MUTH1301. It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Ear-training and sight-singing is included in the course. Prerequisite: MUTH1301 or passing the equivalent placement examination.

*MUTH2301 Music Fundamentals III (3 hours)
This course is a continuation of studies begun in MUTH1302. It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Ear-training and sight-singing is included in the course. Prerequisite: MUTH1302 or passing the equivalent placement examination.

*MUTH2302 Music Fundamentals IV (3 hours)
This course is a continuation of studies begun in MUTH2301. It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Ear-training and sight-singing is included in the course. Prerequisite: MUTH2301 or passing the equivalent placement examination.

*MUTH3201 Worship Arranging and Orchestration (2 hours)
The purpose of this course is to study the orchestral instruments and basic skills of scoring for orchestra and worship ensembles. Prerequisite: Music Fundamentals II or passing the equivalent placement examination.

MUTH5301 Music in Theory and Practice (3 hours)
This course is a study in which selected historical and contemporary works will be studied in depth using a variety of analytical approaches. The class will address awareness and understanding of appropriate analytical techniques, critical and analytical thought, stylistic arranging, composition, and keyboard leadership. Students will be required to integrate their knowledge and skill of music theory with the practice of current church music analysis, composition, and performance. Prerequisite: MMCM or MDivCM – completion of music theory placement exams or corresponding undergraduate courses; MAWM – permission of the professor.

MUTH5302 Graduate Music Theory Review (3 hours)
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive review of the skills covered in Music Fundamentals I (MUTH1301), Music Fundamentals II (MUTH1302), Music Fundamentals III (MUTH2301), and Music Fundamentals IV (MUTH2302). Analysis, sight-singing, and ear-training will be coordinated with this material.

MUIS5200/5300 Independent Directed Study in Music Theory (2 or 3 hours) Faculty MUIS6100-6300 Independent Directed Study in Music Theory (Advanced) (1 to 3 hours)


MUCT5201 Choral Arranging (2 hours)
This course involves the study of problems involved in arranging hymns and other choral literature for practical use in the church. Prerequisite: MUTH4201, 4202, 4203, or equivalent placement examinations.

MUCT5301 Contemporary Production and Performance (3 hours)
The purpose of this course is to help students discover technical terms associated with contemporary Christian genres and help students form an organizational framework for observing and categorizing contemporary Christian genres. Students will also create recordings that reflect the genres observed.

MUCT6201 Using Software for Advanced Composition, Notation, and Scoring (2 hours)
MIDI-based music notation programs are utilized in a laboratory setting to assist the student in using the computer for notation and scoring of music, especially as it relates to music in the church. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.

MUCT6202 Composition (2 hours)
This course is an advanced, privately taught course which involves the writing of music in larger forms and in various styles. The course may be repeated at the discretion of the instructor. Prerequisite: MUTH5301 or Approval of Instructor.

MUCT6203 Stylistic Composition (2 hours)
This privately taught course involves a concentrated study of the compositional elements of a particular style or period. The student studies carefully the compositional techniques of the selected style and composes works utilizing those techniques. Prerequisite: MUTH5201 or Approval of Instructor.

MUIS5201 Independent Directed Study in Composition (2 hours)

MUIS6201 Independent Directed Study in Composition (Advanced) (2 hours)

Music History, Hymnology and Literature

*MUHI3301 Music History and Literature I (3 hours)
This course is a college-level survey involving an overview of Western Art Music from Antiquity to 1800 (Beethoven). It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: MUTH2302.

*MUHI3302 Music History and Literature II (3 hours)
This course is a college level survey involving an overview of Western Art Music from 1800 (Beethoven) to the present, including American Music. It meets 3 hours per week for one semester for 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: MUTH2302.

MUHI5303 Contemporary Hymnody (3 hours)
This course is a study of the theology of the texts and the congregational accessibility of the songs composed in the late Twentieth and early Twenty-first Centuries as they relate to the basic doctrines of the church and worship.

MUHI5308 History of Western Music & Literature in Review (3 hours)
This course is a study of the history and theology of congregational song as related to the tasks of the church and the development and stylistic characteristics of choral music used in Christian worship.

MUIS5202/5302 Independent Directed Study in Music History, Hymnology, and Literature (2 or 3 hours)
MUIS6202/6302 Independent Directed Study in Music History, Hymnology, and Literature (Advanced) (2 or 3 hours)

Church Music Education and Administration

MUED5003 Laboratory Choirs (non-credit)
This course is designed to give students practical experience in working with preschool, younger, and older children’s choirs. Weekly planning and evaluation sessions in addition to weekly laboratory choirs are required. Prerequisite: MUED5307.

MUED5302 Worship and Music Ministry Administration (3 hours)
This class focuses on the philosophy, concepts, structure, relationships, activities, organizational tools, and technology used in church life that typically fill the Monday through Friday work week. These add legitimacy, validity, and efficacy to the overall ministry of church music as well as strengthen and enrich worship on Sunday. An overview of music-ministry-enhancing technology, such as sound reinforcement, lighting, piano and organ technology, projection technology, and pertinent computer hardware and software will be explored and demonstrated.

MUED5307 Educational Principles of Church Music Ministries (3 hours)
This course spans the methodology, resources, and developmental characteristics of teaching the discipline and art of music in church music ministry for the full cycle of life -- cradle to grave. Particular age levels studied include early childhood, preschool, early elementary, late elementary, junior high, senior high, median adult, and senior adult. Emphasis is placed on practical projects and hands-on experience. Lab Choirs (MUED5003) must be taken the following semester.

MUED6001 Music Education Capstone (non-credit)
This course of study consists of a major project that serves as a culmination point of all music education courses, with input from other MMCM courses as well. The project provides opportunity for both theoretical projection and actual planning and implementation of concepts and principles gained in MMCM coursework.

MUED6202 Contemporary Trends in Church Music Philosophy and Administration (2 hours)
This course is an in-depth study of theories and philosophies of the contemporary church music scene, including current trends, topics, and influences on church music ministry.

MUED6303 Current Trends in Music Education Methodologies (3 hours)
This course of study will include a detailed overview of current trends, methods, and educational philosophies of teaching music to children, youth, and adults. Class discussions, lectures, and student presentations will comprise the class sessions. The specific methodologies to be studied include Manhattenville Music Curriculum Project, Dalcroze, Suzuki, Orff, Kodaly, and keyboard methods. Other lesser known music education methodologies may be included also. Adaptations of these trends and methods to the local church music ministry will be given special emphasis.

MUED6304 Writing Music Materials for Children (3 hours)
This course of study is designed to enhance student awareness and to develop skills of writing music and literature materials for children. The class will include an evaluation of materials from Southern Baptist Convention children’s choir curriculum, children’s stories, and song materials from other sources. Sources from other song materials will include several public school music series and publications by other sacred music publisher. The course also will involve the students in writing children’s stories, poems, musical activity teaching instructions, hymns, songs, and articles for leaders. Prerequisite: MUED5003.

MUIS5204/5304 Independent Directed Study in Church Music Education and Administration (2 or 3 hours)
MUIS6204/6304 Independent Directed Study in Church Music Education and Administration (Advanced) (2 or 3 hours)


*MUCO3302 Worship Ensemble Leadership (3 hours)
The purpose of this course is to develop leadership skills in working with vocalists and instrumentalists. The course will emphasize basic concepts and skills related to choral ensembles, worship bands, and other types of vocal ensembles. The course will include leadership and conducting instruction. The literature covered in the course will include choral music reflecting a range of Western time periods, worship choir music, and worship band music. Prerequisite: MUTH1301 Music Fundamentals I.

MUCO5111/5211 Applied Conducting for Non-Majors (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed to introduce students to basic conducting techniques and score study. Prerequisite: MUTH5301 or passing an instructor- designed theory exam to prove a reasonable level of competence in notational reading.

MUCO5201 Ensemble Leadership (2 hours)
This course is designed to explore the relationship between leadership styles in art music ensembles and popular music ensembles. Students will also demonstrate music leadership characteristics based on their growing understanding of these models.

MUCO5301 Choral Conducting and Techniques (3 hours)
This course is designed to assist the student in becoming a more efficient conductor of choral music. Rehearsal in a choral experience and vocal techniques for the choir are explored in detail. The role of the conductor as a leader in public worship receives additional attention. Prerequisite: MUCO3301 or a satisfactory completion of the conducting placement examination.

MUCO6201 Advanced Conducting (2 hours)
Intense attention is given to the conducting of vocal scores of multiple parts with orchestrations of varying degrees of difficulty. Prerequisite: MUCO5301.

MUCO6202 Pedagogy of Conducting (2 hours)
This course consists of a study of techniques involved in teaching the skill of conducting. Teaching conducting is required as a laboratory experience. Prerequisite: MUCO6201.

MUCO6110/6210 Private Conducting (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for students who are approved for a conducting concentration in the MMCM degree and as elective study for doctoral students. Prerequisite: MUCO6201.

MUIS5105-5305 Independent Directed Study in Conducting (1 to 3 hours)

MUIS6105-6305 Independent Directed Study in Conducting (Advanced) (1 to 3 hours)

Orchestral Instruments

*MUIN4110/4210 Orchestral Instruments (1 or 2 hours)
Students with sufficient background may continue the study of an orchestral instrument with a seminary approved instructor. The student will be responsible for all instructional fees. These lessons will be offered for students attempting to complete the Undergraduate Recital requirement as a prerequisite to the MMCM degree.

MUIN6110/6210 Orchestral Instruments (1 or 2 hours)
Students who have completed an undergraduate degree on an orchestral instrument may select to continue study on that instrument for their performance concentration. Instruction will be by a seminary approved instructor.

MUGU5110/5210 Guitar (1 or 2 hours)
These courses are designed for private study of guitar at the graduate level. Students are admitted to this level of study by completing an undergraduate degree with guitar as a concentration or by audition, which must demonstrate a thorough background in guitar study encompassing a wide range of style periods.

MUIS6106/6206 Independent Directed Study in Orchestral Instruments (Advanced) (1 to 2 hours)


*MUOR2110/2210 Organ (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic orientation to the organ, its construction, function, and basic techniques of registration and performance. Prerequisite: completion of the piano proficiency.

*MUOR3110/3210 Organ (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for private study of elementary techniques and literature. Prerequisite: MUOR2110 or by permission of the keyboard committee.

*MUOR4110/4210 Organ (1 or 2 hours)
More advanced organ literature is included with private study. Prerequisite: MUOR3110 or by permission of the keyboard committee.

MUOR5110/5210 Organ (1 or 2 hours)
A graduate level course designed for private study of organ techniques and literature. Prerequisite: audition and approval of the keyboard committee.

MUOR5111/5211 Applied Organ for Non-Majors (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for non-music majors and music majors whose major performing area is not organ who desire private study in the area of applied organ. All assignments will be sequenced-based, determined by the needs of the student, and will work to equip the student with organ technique and literature to serve the local church and community.

MUOR6110/6210 Organ (1 or 2 hours)
The course, intended for MMCM students whose concentration is organ performance, is designed for private study of advanced organ techniques and literature. Prerequisite: admission to organ performance as the area of concentration.

MUOR6201 Organ Literature (2 hours)
This course involves a survey of organ literature from the major eras as follows: Pre-Bach (before 1685); Baroque (1685-1750); Classic and Romantic (1750-1900); and Twentieth Century (1900-present). A final area of study is a survey of service music literature. Prerequisite: MUOR5110.

MUOR6203 Organ Pedagogy (2 hours)
A study is made of basic concepts of and approaches to organ playing and teaching, with a survey and evaluation of organ method books and appropriate literature for organ students. Prerequisite: MUOR5110.

MUIS6107/6207 Independent Directed Study in Organ (Advanced) (1 or 2 hours)
MUKP5200 Master's Level Keyboard Proficiency (2 hours)


*MUPI1201 Class Piano (2 hours)
This course is designed to provide the student with the most basic keyboard skills, which will prepare the student to enter MUPI1202. It meets 2 hours per week for 1 semester for 2 hours credit. Prerequisite: Proficiency in note reading.

*MUPI1202 Class Piano (2 hours)
This course is a continuation of MUPI1201. It is designed to provide students with keyboard skills which will prepare them to enter MUPI1203. Prerequisite: MUPI1201.

*MUPI1203 Class Piano (2 hours)
This class is designed to complete all items of the piano proficiency examination. It meets 2 hours per week for one semester for 2 hours credit. Prerequisite: MUPI1201 and MUPI1202 or indication of the student’s need by the keyboard committee.

*MUPI2110/2210 Piano (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for students who have passed the piano proficiency and desire private study. It is an undergraduate level course. Study material includes elementary literature. Prerequisite: passing of the piano proficiency.

*MUPI3110/3210 Piano (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for students who have passed the piano proficiency and desire private study. It is an undergraduate level course. Study material includes elementary literature. Prerequisite: MUPI2110/2210 or by permission of the keyboard committee.

*MUPI4110/4210 Piano (1 or 2 hours)
More advanced piano literature is included with private study. It is an undergraduate level course. Prerequisite: MUPI3110 or by permission of the keyboard committee.

MUPI5110/5210 Piano (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for private study of piano at the graduate level. Study material is chosen to meet the needs of the student. Prerequisite: the student must be admitted to graduate level piano by audition.

MUPI5111/5211 Applied Piano for Non-Majors (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for non-music majors and music majors whose major performing area is not piano who desire private study in the area of applied piano. All assignments will be sequenced-based, determined by the needs of the student, and will work to equip the student with piano technique and literature to serve the local church and community.

MUPI6110/6210 Piano (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed for private study of piano for those who have been admitted to concentration in piano performance. Study material is chosen to meet the needs of the student. Prerequisite: concentration audition.

MUPI6201 Service Playing (2 hours)
This course is designed to aid the student in developing skills in the art of playing the piano or organ for church services. Prerequisite: MUPI5110 or MUOR5110 or permission of the instructor.

MUPI6202 Piano Pedagogy (2 hours)
This course is designed to acquaint the student with basic pedagogical materials and concepts in teaching piano. Prerequisite: MUPI5110 or permission of the instructor.

MUPI6203 Piano Accompanying (2 hours)
This course is designed to acquaint the student with various skills and techniques in the art of accompanying. It meets 1 hour per week for 1 semester for 1 hour credit. Prerequisite: MUPI5110 or permission of the instructor.

MUPI6204 Piano Improvisation (2 hours)
This course is designed to aid the student in developing skills of improvisation. Prerequisite: MUPI5110 or permission of the instructor.

MUPI6205 Piano Literature (2 hours)
This course involves a survey of piano literature from its beginnings to the present. Prerequisite: MUPI5110 or permission of the instructor.

MUIS6108/6208 Independent Directed Study in Piano (Advanced) (1 or 2 hours)
MUKP5200 Master's Level Keyboard Proficiency (2 hours)


*MUVO1110 Class Voice (1 hour)
This course is open to all students who wish to improve their singing ability, including non-music majors. It meets 1 hour per week for one semester for 1 hour credit. Prerequisite: basic knowledge of piano, music fundamentals, and the ability to sing on pitch.

*MUVO2110/2210 Voice (1 or 2 hours)
Undergraduate level. The purpose of this course is to provide private study of voice. Prerequisite: MUVO1110 or placement by audition.

*MUVO3110/3210 Voice (1 or 2 hours)
Undergraduate level. The purpose of this course is to provide private study of voice. Prerequisite: MUVO2110 or MUVO2210.

*MUVO4110/4210 Voice (1 or 2 hours)
Undergraduate level. The purpose of this course is to provide private study of voice. Prerequisite: MUVO3110 or MUVO3210.

*MUVO2301 Vocal Diction (3 hours)
This course is designed to enable the student to sing in English, French, German, and Italian with accurate pronunciation and word/syllabic stress. Remedial work in one to three languages carries no credit. Credit is granted only for completion of all four languages. It meets 3 hours per week for 1 semester for 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: MUVO2110.

MUVO5110/5210 Voice (1 or 2 hours)
This course deals with vocal technique and literature for advanced voice students. Prerequisite: audition.

MUVO5111/5211 Applied Voice for Non-Majors (1 or 2 hours)
This course is designed to equip the student with vocal technique and literature for private voice to serve the local church by instilling within him/ her the proper tools that he/she can communicate effectively to his/her voice students and church choir.

MUVO6110/6210 Voice (1 or 2 hours)
Vocal techniques and literature for advanced students. Prerequisite: approval for voice performance concentration.

MUVO6201 Vocal Pedagogy (2 hours)
Methods of voice instruction are studied. Class demonstrations are made in the discovery, analysis, and correction of individual vocal problems. Each student is given experience in voice instruction in a controlled laboratory-studio. Prerequisite: two years of private voice study.

MUVO6202 Sacred Solo Vocal Literature (2 hours)
Sacred Solo Vocal Literature is designed to acquaint the student with the sacred song literature of Germany, England, France, Italy, America, and other national areas. Prominence is given to literature in the English language. Prerequisite: approval for voice performance concentration.

MUIS6109/6209 Independent Directed Study in Voice (Advanced) (1 or 2 hours)
MUVP5300 Master's Level Voice Proficiency (3 hours)


MUEN5112 NOBTS Singers (1 hour)  
NOBTS Singers is a choir composed of male and female seminary students. Music literature of many periods is learned and performed on and off campus (the NOBTS Singers take an annual tour in the spring semester). Students in all degree programs are encouraged to participate.  The class meets 2 hours per week for one semester for 1 hour credit.  Prerequisite: approval by the professor.

MUEN5107 The Seminary Chorus (1 hour)
This choral organization is comprised of men and women from the seminary family. Music students are required to enroll for four semesters. Elective credit may be received by other students. Prerequisite: approval by the director.

MUEN5111 Guided Ministry Distance Ensemble (1 hour)
This course is designed for students to experience a choral ensemble under the guidance of a competent conductor in a community setting. The conductor for the ensemble also serves as a mentor, articulating particulars for participation in the ensemble for a given period of time. An NOBTS professor oversees this process.

Specialized Studies

*MUSS4001 Recital Laboratory (non-credit)
This is a performance laboratory required of all graduate music students with need of undergraduate prerequisites. Additional concerts may be required, but the class meets an average of once per week for 1 semester.

*MUSS4010 Undergraduate Recital (non-credit)
This recital is for students who did not major in music for an undergraduate degree.

MUSS5001 Recital Laboratory (non-credit)
Recital Laboratory is required of all enrolled music students. Students must attend 75% of all calendar scheduled events for two semesters.

MUSS6001 Comprehensive Examination (non-credit)
All MMCM students are required to take the Comprehensive Examination. Further information on the Comprehensive Examination is found elsewhere in this Catalog.

MUSS6002 Capstone Project (non-credit)
MMCM students pursuing concentrations in Composition and Worship/Hymnology must complete a Capstone Project as a culmination of their work. Typically, for the Composition concentration, the Capstone Project will be a recital presentation of original compositions and arrangements; for the Worship/Hymnology concentration, the Captstone Project will be a research project.

MUSS6010 Half Recital (non-credit)
Students concentrating in Conducting and Performance must give a recital (25 minutes of music) consisting of appropriate literature from major style periods. Composition students must present a recital of their own work. Prerequisite: audition.

MUSS6011 Worship Leadership Final Project Portfolio (non-credit)
This course of study consists of a major project that demonstrates the mastery of skills needed in worship leadership.

MUSS6020 Double-Concentration Recital (non-credit)
Students who do a double-concentration in a performance area may give a full recital (50 minutes of music) with program notes, consisting of appropriate literature from the major style periods. Prerequisite: audition and approval of the Church Music Ministries faculty.

MUIS6210 Independent Directed Study in Specialized Studies (Advanced) (2 hours)
Advanced students do intensive independent study in a music discipline under the supervision of the faculty. Students will be assigned by the chair to professors who will guide in the research. The results of this research may be presented in scholarly papers at the end of the term.

Worship Ministries

MUWM5101 Worship Band Leadership (1 hour)
This course is designed to assist the student in becoming a more efficient worship band leader through focused listening, instrument engagement, and leadership techniques. Rehearsal techniques and the role of the worship band leader in public worship will receive specific attention and focus.

MUWM5300 Theology of Worship (3 hours)
This course will explore the subject of worship from a biblical perspective, emphasizing the major texts of the Old and New Testaments dealing with worship practices. Emphasis is given to the Hebrew and Greek words that are translated “worship” and their meaning in the biblical context.

MUWM5301 History of Worship (3 hours)
This course will introduce students to the historical development of Christian worship throughout the church age. A study of historical worship practices from the early church to the present day, this course will explore various developments in worship influenced by the Reformation, the frontier revival movements, the Charismatic movement, the Praise and Worship movement, and the Emerging Church. The philosophies driving these practices will also be considered.

MUWM5302 Congregational Song in Corporate Worship (3 hours)
A survey of resources for congregational song in evangelical worship, this course will explore the literature of the Psalms and the development of hymns and gospel songs of the church age, including current day contemporary songs for corporate worship. Emphasis will be given to the usage of various song materials in their historical context as well as possible application to the context of today. The role of sung text in the spiritual formation of the congregation will also be examined.

MUWM5303 Planning and Leading Worship (3 hours)
This course will focus on training worship leaders in the art of designing and leading corporate worship services. Emphasis is given to practical aspects of worship leadership, such as planning worship services, administrating logistical considerations, and rehearsing musical groups such as choirs, vocal ensembles, and instrumental groups.

MUWM5304 Technologies for Worship Ministries (3 hours)
An introduction to the various technological resources available to aid the worship leader in planning and leading corporate worship, this course aims to equip the student with technological tools for use in a ministry context. The course will provide exposure to music and MIDI technology, computers in ministry, sound reinforcement issues, lighting techniques, and multimedia projection.

MUWM5305 Global Worship Perspectives (3 hours)
This course studies Christian congregational worship practices from a global perspective. Particular emphasis is given to a comparison of worship aesthetics, orientations toward time and modes of learning, utilization of worship elements, congregational expression, and use of hymnody among a wide range of people groups.

MUWM5306 Music Theory for the Worship Leader (3 hours)
This course is designed to give the musical worship leader a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of music with an emphasis on the kinds of music currently used in worship gatherings. Attention will be given to note reading, chord structure, chord symbol recognition, etc. There are no prerequisites for this course.

MUWM5311 Guided Ministry Practicum 1: The Worship Leader (3 hours)
This course will focus on the development of personal and spiritual leadership qualities in the life of a worship leader. Reading, personal reflection, goal-setting, and journaling will be important aspects of the course. As an option for the student, attendance at a major worship conference may be a part of the course. Both a faculty mentor and a field mentor will assist the student in leadership development within the context of a local church ministry.

MUWM5312 Guided Ministry Practicum 2: Planning for Corporate Worship (3 hours)
The primary objective of this course is to help the student to deepen an understanding of biblical worship as well as to sharpen skills in planning worship for the congregation. The study of various worship service models along with worship planning assignments in the context of the student’s local church will provide the framework for this course under the guidance of a faculty mentor and a field mentor.

MUWM5313 Guided Ministry Practicum 3: Worship Teaching and Discipleship (3 hours)
In this course the student will acquire skills in developing and implementing a worship education curriculum in the local church. Building upon reading and research, the student will spiritually equip a group of participants within the local church through designing and leading a series of worship discipleship sessions. A faculty mentor and a field mentor will be available to guide the student throughout the process of the course.

MUIS5103-5303 Independent Directed Study in Worship Ministries (1 to 3 hours)

MUWM6300 Worship Ministry Practicum (3 hours)
Students will learn to plan, lead, and evaluate worship services weekly in order to build a perspective for effectively serving in the worship ministry leadership of a local church. Through mentorship, each student will learn and practice duties related to the various aspects of production, music, and worship leadership required in the context of the local church today.