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The H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies

Directed by Dr. Bill Warren

The H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies (CNTTS) is an internationally recognized research center devoted to the study of the New Testament (NT) text in the Greek manuscripts. The Center houses a substantial collection of NT manuscripts in various formats, including facsimiles, printed editions, microfilms, digital images, and access through the online Virtual Manuscript Room. The Center supports researchers engaged in a variety of studies related to manuscripts, including participating in and leading collaborative projects with other settings worldwide.

The CNTTS is dedicated to training and inspiring students and scholars to engage in textual, exegetical, and historical studies related to the NT. As the heirs of the sacrificial work of others who have given their lives to preserving, copying, and studying the manuscripts and printed text of the NT, the CNTTS represents an NOBTS effort to contribute responsibly to that work. NOBTS is stepping forward to meet the challenge of past generations and needs of the present and future generations for research of the highest quality on the Greek NT and the history of its transmission.

Research focuses on a variety of topics related to the NT Greek manuscripts, including several projects that are specific to the CNTTS, collaboration with the International Greek NT Project, and the training of students in the field. The Center released the world’s first searchable electronic database that is substantially comprehensive on the readings in the Greek NT manuscripts, with that module currently available in Accordance and Logos software programs. Also, the iPhone, iPad, and Android app “New Testament Greek Manuscripts” produced by the Center is available in the respective App sites. Other research projects are underway as well as worldwide collaborative projects. The H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies has grown to become one of the largest research settings in North America for the study of the text of the NT in the Greek manuscripts.

Some grants and assistantships are available for students wishing to work in the field of NT textual studies, with PhD students having priority in the application process. A limited number of grants for visiting scholars are also available. Application forms for applying for these are available from the director.

To contact Dr. Warren concerning textual research and study opportunities or to obtain more information about the Center for New Testament Textual Studies, call Dr. Warren at 504.816.8190, send e-mail to, or access the CNTTS website at www.