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Global Missions Center

Directed by Dr. Greg Mathias

The vision of the Global Missions Center of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is to research effective global missions strategies, train Christians for global missions service, resource global mission Christians, and reach the globally unreached with the gospel. Matthew 4:19 states the Lord’s call: “And He said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’”

  1. Researching Effective Missions Strategies for Unreached People Groups

    The student body and faculty are encouraged to develop specific strategies for reaching unreached people groups and population segments. Missionaries may spend their stateside assignments conducting research and doing further study on our campus.

  2. Training Christians for Global Missions Service

    The Global Missions Center provides a visible way to integrate classroom experience with a seminary entity dedicated to international missions and to heighten awareness of global missions on our campus. The Global Missions Center partners with the Providence Learning Center and other entities such as the IMB to offer training events for persons related to international missions.

  3. Resourcing Global Mission Christians

    Coordinating the interaction of IMB missionaries and personnel with the seminary community represents an important element of resourcing global mission Christians. A website provides online resources, links to other missions websites, and resources for local churches.

  4. Reaching the Globally Unreached

    Reaching the globally unreached means all seminary students should be challenged to help local churches become Acts 1:8 churches with a vision to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Coordination of seminary sponsored international missions trips and partnerships with overseas missionaries provide seminary students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to participate in overseas mission projects.

  5. Regional Consultant for IMB

    The GMC assists students who are sensing God’s call to international missions through the IMB by consultation, prayer, and arranging meetings with the IMB representative. The student may contact the regional representative at (800)999-3113.

Dr. Greg Mathias serves as the Director of the Global Missions Center. Read more about the Global Missions Center on the NOBTS website, call 504.816.8063, or e-mail for more information.