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Explanation of Church Leadership Certificate Course Descriptions

Courses are identified so as to help in determining the sequence and content of a course. Each course is identified by four letters. These letters are abbreviations for the following: (Note that the courses designated “Christian Ministry degree” are those courses that are a part of the new curriculum.)


Biblical Studies Certificate Courses


Christian Education Courses


Christian Education Certficate Courses


Psychology and Counseling Courses


Pastoral Ministry Courses


Pastoral Ministry Certificate Courses


Theology Certificate Courses


Women's Ministry Courses


Women's Ministry Courses

Course Descriptions

African American Preaching - PMUS1113
This course is designed to provide a study of the role of preaching and the preacher, the purposes and planning of sermons, and how to organize and deliver a sermon from an African American perspective.

Apologetics - THUS1154
The study consists of topical lectures and discussions on the reliability and accuracy of various aspects of the Christian faith, and a review of a classic work in apologetics.

Baptist Church Programs - CEUS1150
This course focuses on helping the student understand the philosophy of Southern Baptist church programming and the assignment given to each program in the church base design.

Baptist Doctrine /Theology - THUS1110
This course is designed to provide a survey of Christian doctrines with an emphasis upon Baptist distinctives. The study consists of an examination of revelation, God, man, the person and work of Christ, the church, the Christian life, and the Christian hope.

Basic Christian Doctrine and Worldview - LCMW1107
In this course, students will survey basic Christian doctrines, biblical womanhood, and evangelistic worldview, while looking closely at the evangelical doctrines outlined in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

Biblical Theology of Womanhood - LCMW 1111
In this course, students will gain an amplified and comprehensive knowledge of biblical
womanhood from Genesis to Revelation. Biblical principles found in Scripture will be
applied to life relationships in the home, church, and world.

Christian Ministry and Missions - LCMW 1112
In this course, students are introduced to the biblical and theological foundations of
Christian Missions, with a specific focus on the Great Commission. Students will be
encouraged to be involved in Christian ministries and missions both locally, nationally,
and internationally.

Child Development - CECM2360
This course focuses on developmental theory and stages as they impact the early childhood classroom in the areas of the teacher/child relationship, planning, teaching, and guidance. Prerequisite: None 

Child Psychology - PCCM3373
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the theoretical base and practical application of child psychology in multiple counseling and ministry settings. Key concepts of child psychology will be presented, as well as how these concepts can be applied today.

Children and Crisis - CECM1261
This course is designed to equip students to recognize and minister to children in crisis. Students will examine situations and events that may cause a crisis and appropriate methods of response. Students will also investigate the resources available for preschoolers, children, parents, and leaders in preschool and children’s ministry.

Children and Worship - CECM1244
The purpose of this course is to study the biblical foundations of worship and their relationship to children. Specifically, the different methods of leading preschoolers and children to participate in family, personal, and corporate worship will be addressed.

Children’s Ministry Project - CECM1264
The purpose of this course is to offer a field-training experience in children’s ministry. The student will propose, plan, and implement a project during a semester. Students may register for this course during any semester.

Children’s Ministry Practicum - CECM2201
The purpose of this course is to invlove students in a supervised church-based field training in children’s ministry for one semester. Supervision will be provided by an NOBTS faculty member and an on-site supervisor. A current ministry position or other church volunteer position may be used for field training.

Church Administration - CEUS1151
This course seeks to help the student appreciate the importance and necessity of administration. Emphasis is given to the planning process. The role of the church council in annual planning, calendar building, and evaluating is included. The work of the church officers and committees is included.

Church History - THUS1153
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic events in the history of the Christian Church.  

Church Leadership and Administration - CMCM3360
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of the theory and practice of administration in the local church by exploring the biblical concepts of leadership and administration, goal setting, legal issues, personnel management, the training of leaders, and church operations. Prerequisites: Introduction to Christian Education and Introduction to Ministry

Church Planting - PMUS1163 (in sites other than Florida)
This course is designed for students interested in identifying key principles related to church planting or church revitalization. Emphasis will be given to the biblical basis, the motivation, the principles, and the personnel. 

Church Planting - PMUS1463
(This is a four-hour course only in Florida.)
This course is designed as a workshop to equip the student with the tools and strategies needed for successful church planting. This course is designed to guide the student through the process of starting a New Testament church that will thrive and reproduce. These principles can be adapted to any church planting situation. Students will be exposed to experts in various areas of church planting. The material will be presented by way of lecture, discussion groups, audiovisual presentation, reading assignments, writing assignments, and home study.

Church  Starting  in  the  African  American  Community  - PMUS1155
This course is designed to provide a practicum for starting a church in the African American community. Potential church planters will actually start a church.

Counseling - PMUS1118
This course is designed to acquaint students with basic skills in counseling to help with preparation for ministry. Students will be trained in basic skills in listening and response.

Developing a Bible Teaching Program - CEUS1157
This course provides an overview to methods of developing and implementing Bible teaching programs. Attention will be given to the selection and use of literature.

Developing Leaders in the Church - CEUS1153
In this course attention is focused on helping the student understand the necessity of developing leaders and the specific responsibilities for training them. A variety of approaches and multiple resources will be examined. The church study course will be basic.

Discipling Church Members - PMUS1159
The focus of this course is to familiarize students with the issues regarding discipleship as a function of the church. Methods will be surveyed, but the emphasis of the course is upon personal discipleship development.

Education Across the Lifespan - CEUS1165
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with foundational understanding of Christian educational ministry as it relates to children, youth, and adults in the local church. The emphasis of this course is consideration of faith development, age-graded learning characteristics, and Southern Baptist programming.

Educational Psychology - CECM4331
The purpose of this course is to study the application of psychological theories and principles to education and teaching. Among the topics covered are learning, motivation, individual differences, classroom evaluation, and classroom management. 

Essentials for Ministry Wives - LCMW 1101
In this course, students will cover foundational topics to prepare and equip for ministry. Special attention will be given to calling, spiritual giftings, spiritual disciplines, soul care, and the legacy of a godly wife. It is the first Course in the certificate and is highly recommended for all student spouses, whether or not they complete the remaining courses in the certificate program.

Evangelism - PMUS1110
This course is designed to provide a study of the biblical basis of evangelism, church programs for evangelism, and personal witnessing.

Evangelism and Disciple-making for Ministry Wives - LCMW1108
In this course, students will learn basic evangelism and disciple-making strategies, including relational evangelism, mission planning, and the involvement of a ministry wife in church, community, and mercy ministries.

Faith Development of Preschoolers and Children - CECM1303
The purpose of this course is to survey the spiritual formation in childhood. Students will examine the role of the family, the faith community, the local church and the individual in Christian faith development. Strategies for engaging children to experience and respond to God at their level of understanding will be explored. This is a required course for the Children’s Ministry minor.

Foundational Principles for Interpersonal Relationships - LCMW1106
In this course, students will explore foundational principles in various interpersonal relationships. Topics covered in the class will include making and keeping friends in ministry, establishing the need for personal discipleship, learning skills to fight loneliness/isolation, as well as handling church conflict and overall involvement in SBC polity.

Healthy Habits for Ministry Families & Marriages - LCMW1102
In this course, students will learn biblical principles for healthy marriages and families, such as the importance of communication, the value of budgeting and stewardship of your resources, the necessity of balancing expectations of time, and the need to find rest while expressing godly hospitality in your homes, churches and communities.

Hermenuetics - BIUS1160
The purpose of this course is to enable the student to develop a sound method for biblical interpretation. The student will be introduced to the basic principles, steps, and major resources available or practicing biblical exegesis. 

Homiletics - PMUS1112
This course is designed to provide a study of the role of preaching and the preacher, the purposes and planning of sermons, and how to organize and deliver a sermon.

How to Study and Teach the Bible - LCMW1103
In this course, students will learn basic methods for studying Scripture as well as practical approaches for teaching the Bible. They will also understand the importance of effective communication through both observation and application.

Human Development - LCPC2390
The purpose of this course is to study the growth and development of the human life. The emphasis of this course is the examination and comparison of theories of development from the prenatal period through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Introduction to African American Baptist History - THUS1151 This course provides a survey of the involvement of African Americans in Baptist denominations in the United States. The study includes an overview of the history of African American Baptist conventions and African Americans within multiracial denominations.

Introduction to Christian Education - CEUS1101
This course is designed to provide an overview of the Christian education function in the local church. The study provides general background in the philosophy and practical application of Christian educational programming.

Introduction to Ministry - PMUS1116
The purpose of this course is to provide for the students quality theological education in the disciplines of pastoral ministry. 

Introduction to New Testament Study - BIUS1150
This course is designed to provide a survey of the New Testament. The study consists of a brief overview of each book, including pertinent geographical and historical information.

Introduction to New Testament Study: The Early Church - BIUS 1153
This course is designed to provide a survey of the early church. 

Introduction to New Testament Study: The Life and Letters of Paul - BIUS1152
This course is designed to provide a survey of the life and letters of Paul. 

Introduction to New Testament Study: The Life of Christ - BIUS1151
This course is designed to provide a survey of the life of Christ. 

Introduction to Old Testament Study - BIUS1110
This course is designed to provide a survey of the Old Testament. The study consists of a brief overview of each book, including pertinent geographical and historical information.

Introduction to Old Testament Study: The Historical Books - BIUS 1111
This course is designed to provide a survey of Genesis through 2 Chronicles. The study consists of a brief overview of each book, including pertinent geographical and historical information. 

Introduction to Old Testament Study: The Prophets - BIUS1113
This course is designed to provide a survey of Isaiah through Malachi. The study consists of a brief overview of each book, including pertinent geographical and historical information. 

Introduction to Old Testament Study: The Writings - BIUS1112
This course is designed to provide a survey of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Ruth, and Esther. The study consists of a brief overview of each book, including pertinent geographical and historical information. 

Introduction to Preaching - PMUS1112
This course is designed to provide a study of the role of preaching and the preacher, the purposes and planning of sermons, and how to organize and deliver a sermon.

Introduction to Soul Care - LCMW1105
In this course, ministry wives will gain a basic overview and foundation for Christian counseling. Special emphasis will be placed on how ministry wives can counsel women, including such topics as fear, conflict, family/marriage, anxiety, depression, grief, and loss.

Missions - PMUS1117
This course is designed to introduce students to biblical and theological foundations of Christian missions and provide historical overview.

New Testament Survey - LCMW 1110
In this course, students will survey the books of the New Testament, including their
author, genre, main theme, geographical information, historical context, and pertinent
theological content.

New Testament Bible Course - BIUS1180
This course is designed to acquaint the student with pertinent background information and a verse-by-verse interpretation of selected books.






1 John



Old Testament Bible Course - BIUS1140
This course is designed to acquaint the student with pertinent background information and a verse-by-verse interpretation of selected books.









Old Testament Survey - LCMW 1109
In this course, students will survey the books of the Old Testament, including their
author, genre, main theme, geographical information, historical context, and pertinent
theological content.

Recreation Ministry with Children - CECM2202
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the role of recreation in the spiritual formation of children. The foci of this course include the use of recreation in educational practice and the process of planning and conducting a variety of camps and retreats, sports ministry, after-school programs and special events. 

Special Topics in Educational Ministry - LCEM4360
The purpose of this course is to expose students to contemporary issues in children’s ministry through attendance at a major children’s ministry conference. Approval of the conference must be obtained prior to registration.

Sunday School Growth in the African American Church - CEUS1158
This course is designed to provide a survey of the basics of Sunday school growth from an African American perspective. 

Supervised Reading in Childhood Education - CECM1266
The purpose of this course is to expose students to significant works of preschool and children’s ministry. Students will read five books from a suggested reading list and write book reports during one semester.

Teaching Small Groups within the Local Church - CECM1102
The purpose of this course is to introduce a study of learning theory and principles. A variety of concepts will be covered including learning styles, multiple intelligences, the circle of learning, learning environments, and learning readiness. Effective teaching methods for preschoolers and children will be emphasized. 

Understanding the Grand Narrative of Scripture - LCMW1104
In this broad survey of the Old and New Testaments, students will be introduced to the content and context of the Bible. Biblical theology themes as well as the grand storyline of Scripture will be discussed as well.

Weekday Early Education - CECM1236
The purpose of this course is to involve students in a study of the biblical philosophy, facilities, daily programs, curriculum and overall functioning of church weekday education centers. Students will participate in the Childhood Education Workshop sponsored by NOBTS and the Louisiana Baptist Convention. 

Worship Perspectives - PMCM1130
This course is designed to examine the development of worship in the Old Testament, New Testament, and throughout Christian history in order to evaluate the ways historical perspectives and practices of worship may relate to worship in contemporary local churches.