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Social Work

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Bree Winton, Social Work Coordinator
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Social Work Courses

CCSW5331 Disaster Relief Training and Experience (3 hours)
This course provides training in disaster response and experience in disaster preparedness and/or disaster response. Attention will be given to preparing local churches to respond in positive ways to disaster situations and to opportunities to expand God’s Kingdom in a variety of ministry settings. Also can be taken as MISS5331.

CCSW6314 Interpersonal Relationship Skills (3 hours)
The purpose of this course will be to study the nature of interpersonal relationships with particular reference to personal, family, and ministry relationships. Goals will be to learn to establish positive relationships, to improve weak relationships, and to develop skills in resolving problematic relationships.

CCSW6310 Group Leadership (3 hours)
The course provides an overview of group work in the church by providing experiences in leadership, group formations, development, and processes.

CCSW6360 Introduction to Social Work (3 hours)
The student is introduced to the field of social work and its underlying philosophy and processes. The major divisions of social work – casework, group work, community organization, administration, and research – will be discussed. The challenge to the churches and their responsibility in the community are an integral part of the course.

CCSW6364 Church Community Ministries (3 hours)
A special study is made in the development of weekday programs for churches and faith-based community ministries. Emphasis is placed on discovering needs of a community and developing programs to meet these needs as well as the spiritual needs of people. Attention is given to church and community surveys in addition to supervision and administration of weekday ministries. Also can be taken as MISS5362.

CCSW6365 Death, Loss, and Grief (3 hours)
The focus in this course is on death, loss, and grief throughout the life span. Attention will be given to basic therapeutic interventions that can be used to assist individuals and groups through a wide variety of loss experiences such as illness, divorce, unemployment, relocation, infertility, and purpose. The role of the minister in the helping relationship will be explored. Lecture, discussion, role playing, and small group components will be utilized.

CCSW6366 Social Work Practice with Children and Families (3 hours)
This course examines issues related to the welfare of families and children. Topics included are foster care, adoption, institutionalization, domestic violence, and divorce. The role of the church in addressing the issues is discussed. Students will spend eight hours with a child or family.

CCSW6367 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families (3 hours)
The course is designed to understand various theories of social work practice including Cognitive, Behavioral Psychotherapy, Experiential, Family Therapy, Structural, Solution Focused, Strategic, and Psycho-educational. Students will practice these theories in eight sessions with selected clients.

CCSW6369 Social Work Practice with the Aging and Their Families (3 hours)
This course focuses on issues related to the aging process, including retirement, caregiving, health, and spiritual development. Social work interventions such as case management, individual therapy, group therapy, and community planning are explored. The importance of church ministry to aging persons is stressed.

CCSW6380 Social Work Practicum (3 hours)
Students are involved in the practice of social work under supervision for eight hours per week. Experiences of the student vary according to the field placement. Students gain real-world experience in Baptist centers, social service agencies and church settings. This course is limited to students specializing in Social Work. Each student must consult with the professor prior to registering for the practicum. Prerequisite: CCSW6360 Introduction to Social Work.

CCSW6390 Clinical Field Project in Social Work (3 hours)
CCIS6391 Independent Directed Study in Social Work [Advanced] (3 hours)
CCSW6392 Special Topics in Social Work (3 hours)