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Youth Ministry Institute

Director, Dr. David Odom

Youth Ministry Institute (YMI) is about training the next generation of youth leaders. YMI exists to extend the mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary through leadership in quality training, advanced research, and practical resources for those who work with youth. YMI strives to serve students, leaders, ministers, and volunteers in all things youth ministry. The Institute offers classes at both the graduate and doctoral levels. Youth Ministry courses can be taken as elective in any degree plan.

Advanced Research
From its inception, YMI has focused on research that impacts youth ministry in the local church. Research topics include a competency-based approach to youth ministry training, media influences on teenagers, Generation Z, Youth Ministry Arenas, and assessing the spiritual growth of teenagers and parents.

Practical Resources
YMI is here for you! We provide youth leaders with a variety of resources of help reach and disciple today's teenagers. Our latest resources are online assessment tools and surveys designed to help you evaluate your ministry impact and get a snapshot of youth and parent discipleship. We have designed the Youth Ministry Arenas Assessment to provide vital insights about your ministry to teenagers. You will see your results immediately after the assessment and have the opportunity to download a free PDF containing feedback and action steps based on your score. Visit for more information. The Student Spiritual Growth and Influence Survey and the Parent Spiritual Growth and Leadership Survey are designed to help you discover the discipleship needs of teenagers and parents.

For more information on the Youth Ministry Institute, check out our website at .