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Seven Basic Competencies Guiding the NOBTS Curriculum

NOBTS faculty members realize that all ministers need to develop specific competencies if they are going to have an effective ministry. To increase the likelihood of NOBTS graduates having an effective ministry, the faculty developed a competency-based curriculum after identifying seven essential competencies necessary for effective ministry. All graduates are expected to have at least a minimum level of competency in all of the following seven areas:

Biblical Exposition

To interpret and communicate the Bible accurately.

Christian Theological Heritage

To understand and interpret Christian theological heritage and Baptist polity for the church.

Disciple Making

To stimulate church health through mobilizing the church for missions, evangelism, discipleship, and church growth.

Interpersonal Skills

To perform pastoral care effectively, with skills in communication and conflict management.

Servant Leadership

To serve churches effectively through team ministry.

Spiritual and Character Formation

To provide moral leadership by modeling and mentoring Christian character and devotion.

Worship Leadership

To facilitate worship effectively.